ALBANY WEST - New Albany, Mississippi
CLIENT - TRY Properties, LLC
DESCRIPTION - The vision for Albany West, a 105-acre planned development, is to create a highly livable and walkable community composed of complementary residential and commercial uses. The planning process started with conceptual sketches and evolved into a set of guidelines, proposed street cross-sections, final renderings, and other illustrations and written parameters to create a framework for implementation. The community is planned using principles of Traditional Neighborhood Development, with a focus on bringing homes and front porches up close to the street, creating shared open spaces, and prioritizing pedestrians over cars.
Albany West is one of the first developments designed after the City’s adoption of New Albany Next, the City’s new comprehensive plan, and is intended to help further goals set forth by the new plan, such as “replicating and extending New Albany’s traditional character by applying traditional design patterns to new development and redevelopment.”
The existing site is close to many of New Albany’s existing assets, including a commercial corridor, regional park, and a greenway system, which includes the Tallahatchie Trail along the Tallahatchie River and the Tanglefoot Trail, a regional trail network spanning 43.6 miles through 6 other Mississippi towns with a trailhead at the heart of downtown New Albany. This trail is planned to extend to the Albany West property, connecting the development to local and regional attractions and promoting alternative means of transportation.